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Introducing The Law of Attraction Club

“Focus on the good in your life so the good can expand”

Betsy Otter Thompson

While the idea of how thoughts become things has not become a household phenomenon because of the utter simplicity of the process, I feel it is safe to say that, in time, it will. As explained throughout these discussions our lives unfold according to our thoughts and feelings. They go on to say that until we understand and practice this principle, happiness as a way of life will forever elude us, but with that understanding and practice, it is guaranteed, and there is more. As a further incentive, because of the easy access to our thoughts and feelings, we have within ourselves (nearer than breathing and closer than hands and feet), all the tools we need to work with. That said, as opposed to pondering reasons why we should try it, the logical question becomes, why not? Now, before we get to the topic at hand, there are other ideas that I believe to be relevant to share.

The answers we seek are within us and because the Universe always over delivers; some absolute truths come to mind. Now mind you these ideas are not new, they just happened to come at a time when I was able to hear them. The first came from Neville Goddard who offered the revelation that feeling is the secret to happiness, and when we think about it, how could it possibly be otherwise? The next and far more recent comes from Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul, as well as many other New York Times bestsellers. Michael explains (on YouTube), in language easily understood that the outer world is nothing more than the out-picturing of our inner world; the value of which prevents the suffering inherent in attempting to fix the outer, when the problem is within. He proceeds to explain how to go about it and is entitled The Highest Technique. The other, equally important as well as profound, is Losing Interest in Your Personal Mind and Heart. This one addresses how our thoughts keep the drama going in our heads; as well as the value of ignoring what they say, and how to go about doing so. That said, we now move to the subject at hand, which discusses the value of joining The Law of Attraction Club.

Most of us have heard the saying that “there is never a crowd on the leading edge”, and this story demonstrates that concept. Saturday’s podcast from Robin, host of the Law Attraction Club, gives a completely new meaning to that idea. As it unfolds you will understand why this story is so unique, and I will start here.

As you will recall, I began this discussion by saying that while the idea of how thoughts become things has not become a household phenomenon I feel it is safe to say that, in time, it will; the reason is that it is too simple to ignore. Our thoughts and feelings are to us as the Genie is to the bottle, and that is no exaggeration. If we focus consistently on thoughts and feelings of abundance, it has no choice but to show up as form in our outer world. The same is true for lack, and this is what is so unique about this story. Although I have never discussed this idea with Robin, and while the words were of course different, he echoed these sentiments on his Saturday podcast, and I hope you can see the magic in that. I believe that we are all here for a purpose; a calling if you will that will serve to make this a better world in which to live. In that regard, I also believe that it was mine, as well as Robin’s, to explain in simple language how our thoughts and feelings, coupled with the Law of Attraction work together to format our lives.

Without going into details, I am certain that this message is not something that either of us picked up overnight, but here is the upside for you. Even though it took decades for me to grasp this message and while I cannot speak for Robin, it would not surprise me if that were true for him as well; as he noted on Saturday, we can now start with the end game. To me, that means that with a shift in our thinking, not only can we literally change our life, we can see the result of that change in this Holy Instant, but here is something that you should keep in mind. Once you recognize, on any level the freedom you have received, it only gets better and there is no going back!

Finally, as Robin mentioned this will also be the topic of conversation for Saturday, I see no need to go further with this discussion at this time. I am excited about and looking forward to Robin’s show, and think it will have something for everyone. As I understand it, the currently shows are free, and urge I urge you to contact Robin at the email below for instructions on how to access the show. I hope you join us.



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